How to build successful business relationships?

How to build successful business relationships?

      The field of business always has been dictaded by numerous stereotypes and the most popular of them is the one that presents the business circles as places for making deceptive deals and meeting dishonest people whose only purpose is to benefit themselves. In the fast-growing digital era business relationships with partners and clients break these concepts and take its role as valuable resources for navigating in the field of growth, inspiration and prosperity of all its members. We present you 10+1 bonus tips on how to build successful relationships, which would help your business presence to be more profit-making and satisfying for you and everyone around you.


1. Create mutual trust

As social creatures, we – people have native instincts to be suspicious and act cautiously when being in contact with stranger, unfamiliar theme, activity, etc. That`s why it is exclusively important to create mutual trust with our partners and clients in order to make sure we can count on each other, especially in such a competitive field of business as digital marketing and sales.



2. Listen carefully

If you are one of those people who usually talk much presenting their ideas, points of view, advices, etc. undoubtedly this could be a challenge for you. However, if sometimes you let yourself listen to the words of your interlocutors you may find some unsuspicious facts about them, which would help you get to know their personality and figure out more precisely and clearer their needs and use them to get ahead of your competitors. And we all know that a significant part of the business success consists in capturing the right moment for our presentation in front of wider audience.


3. Be tolerant

Learn not to approach any person with an attitude more different than mutual tolerance and respect because we all are distinctive and this is the key of our unique nature. Does your partner insist on completing another vision of your project? Or does your client dislike the ideas you share trying to change them into something you don`t find a winning strategy? Discuss these topics on a cup of coffee and try harder to find matching features.


4. Always keep your deadlines and given promises

Honesty is one of the most important ingredients of building successful relationships if you want others to reconnect with you and engage in long-term. In a great number of cases even a 5-minute late or broken promise could cost you a great amount of wasted time of hard-work and unjustified investments.



5. Take care of your contacts

Business relationships are winning not only in the beginning, but also in the process of strengthening them and are much more valuable after their transformation into the outcome of many years of mutual trust, understanding and respect. In case you don`t take the necessary care of your contacts, including event organizing, sales promoting, conducting online campaigns, etc., they are willing to forget about you in the first 24 to 48 hours of your absence.


6. Think of ways to help others

Undoubtedly, everyone, who is engaged in business, is also highly motivated to seek for the right ways to make a deal, which would benefit both themselves and their company. It is important to say that personal benefits aren`t essential for the contemporary business planning. The winning business works to help the appearance of new innovations that facilitates our daily life. Don`t come up with products or services, which you would like to sell to your clients and make high profits, but invent ones that they actually need. This is the price that will satisfy both your economical status and inner self.


7. Make a schedule

As a famous quote says: „Life is too complicated not to be placed in order!” – Marta Stewart. No matter how confident you feel about your ideas and plans always take notes and arrange them on a paper sheet, which you bring everywhere or place it on a central place in your office. That`s how you will be certain every minute of your time is used to the best advantage and you will no longer hesitate about having one more engagement or not.


8. Settle win-win relationships with your partners and clients

Following the law, defined by Greg Anderson, and proven as one of the most effective ones in the psychology of social relationships „I win - You win” that says: „Let`s not do it in my way or your way, let`s do it in the best way”. Focus on mutually advantageous decisions when talking about building successful business relationships. Don`t do anything that would hurt other people in any kind of way or end up having negative influence on their authority. Your positive attitude will attract a large following towards you and surely bring you not only capital, but personal satisfaction that would reflect on increasing your level of productivity.



9. Every end is a beginning: Be a continuing source of inspiration

„The business opportunities are like buses – there is always another one to come!” – Richard Branson. Don`t forget to repeat this phrase whenever your project doesn`t come up as successful as you have previously thought or the service you sell doesn`t intrigue the audience from its first appearance. In the field of business there is nothing wasted because every fail can be transformed into new idea, new product or service, which would succeed in another moment and in front of different audience. If you step up with such enthusiasm and energy, your positive attitude will be noticed and rewarded by your partners and clients and even can be a reason for somebody else`s inspiration.


10. Juggle skillfully with rational decisions and taking risks

The field of business requires not only economical knowledge, but it`s also crucial to possess a specific commercial sense to decide when is the right moment to act and when it`s a winning strategy to wait for another opportunity. Sometimes even the best ideas end up catastrophically because haven`t been completed in the right moment. Your partners and clients would appreciate this quality of yours for maintaining balance and would like to count on you to protect their interests at any time.


11. Reward yourself

„Sometimes when we`re inventing something, we make mistakes. What it`s best is to quickly admit them and move on to your other innovations.” – Steve Jobs. A priceless tip from world-famous expert, which inevitably you have to stick to even in hard times. Learn to look on yourself as a client to whom you need to be understanding, patient and rewarding for the efforts made doesn`t matter the final result. And as mentioned before, every end is a new beginning!